Over the last 2 years, we have watched the systematic tearing apart of the American way. The Federal Government has and is imposing their will on the people of our country.
We have watched as the Biden administration, along with their minions across the country rip at the soul of what made United States a beacon of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of choice, freedom to protect one’s family, freedom to raise your children as you see fit – these freedoms are now at risk in a manner never seen before.
The Government fully believes that they know what’s best for your children. The belief systems of parents are being stripped away and replaced with a governmental mantra that diversity, equity and inclusion is the new normal.
Gone are the thoughts that if you work hard, apply yourself, strive to the best you can be, then you can become successful and achieve your goals in life. It’s being replaced with why bother? All people are the same no matter what they do or don’t do. Don’t want to apply yourself, that’s perfectly okay, you’ll be fine, because the government will be there to take action to assist you.
We have government officials and medical professionals who have decided, that if a child wakes up one morning and decides he wants to become a she or vice versus, then the parent must support those decisions, accept it and don’t dare question his or her decision.
There are grown men dressed as women, dancing and gyrating, half naked in front of children, condoned by governmental agencies and organizations, that this just fine, normal, that young children need be exposed to and accept this type of behavior. What’s more disturbing, we have parents that for whatever the reason, wanting to be part of the scene or they’ve bought into this form of indoctrination of their children.
Education is no longer about reading, writing, arithmetic, and getting a student prepared to become a productive individual, it’s all about one group being oppressed by another. Shaming one race into submission and causing conflicts between social groups.
Would have never thought that states are now working to pass “Parents Rights” bills to ensure parents can have a say in their children’s upbringing and to protect against governmental overreach.
Unless major changes occur, the educational system in the United States will become nothing more than a tool for governmental entities to instill their philosophies in order to create a subserviate citizenry.
Freedom of speech, long thought to be the bastion of American society, is being attacked. It’s not all about misinformation or disinformation, its more about anyone that has a dissenting opinion or comment that goes against the preordained commentary coming from the establishment messengers.
As we have learned over the last couple years, not all that has been stated from the governmental agencies has been very accurate or truthful. From the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan to the recent COVID revelations and almost ever issue in between, the flip-flopping coming from the administration and the talking heads in the mainstream media, have created a unified chorus that you dare not disagree.
The federal government, hampered by the 1st Amendment, didn’t hesitate to engage with social media platforms to perform the censorship measures on their behalf.
Doesn’t matter if the information posted is accurate, it’s shutdown and the individuals shamed, shunned and called out by the almighty powers to be, as propagators of false information.
Federal Agencies have worked with organizations like Global Disinformation Index, NewsGuard and PeakMetrics to create blacklists on news outlets to persuade advertisers to reduce ad revenue. Not surprisingly, only outlets considered conservative, seem appear on these lists, because they attempt to provide the public with complete information – according to our government, they create disinformation.
Only the approved news outlets that spread the government approved propaganda get the shiny star. They all preach from the same hymnal from the White House to each media outlet that has bought into the message that only they can protect Democracy from the those accused of spreading misinformation.
Who decides what is and what isn’t disinformation or misinformation, our government policy makers have taken on that task. To them, there is only one opinion that matters, theirs.
If the Left had their way, the 2nd Amendment wouldn’t exist. To them, for law abiding citizens to have a right to keep and bear arms is an atrocious concept and that everything possible should be done to remove that right.
Laws must be passed, regulations must be put in place, and agencies must have the authority to do what is necessary to strip the ability of person to legally own a firearm. They’ve been hard at work for years to villainize gun ownership and each time an event occurs, they go into to hyperdrive with their political rhetoric.
Just recently, Biden signed an Executive Order to Reduce Gun Violence and Make Our Communities Safe. The EO enhances the powers of the DOD, DOJ, FTC, and ATF.
DOD could use contracts with gun manufacturers as leverage to bolster new technologies. Biden has asked the Federal Trade Commission to issue a public report on firearm marketing.
Biden has also directed the Department of Transportation and the DOJ to come up with a plan to reduce the risk of firearms theft during shipment. It could be assumed that shipping companies are now going to required to provide who shipped a firearm and where it is going.
He has instructed federal law enforcement agencies to issue stricter policies requiring the submission of data to the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network, or NIBIN.
The Executive Order pushes for deeper and wider background checks, additional “Red Flag” laws and strongly suggests that Congress should pass a ban on firearms considered assault weapons. Who makes the decision of what is and what isn’t an assault weapon - our governmental officials.
The country is at a breaking point, the rights and freedoms that most have come to expect, are slowly being chipped away. Over the last few years, the destruction of the American way, has been attacked on multiple fronts by governmental, corporate and media entities.
Until the complacency from those who desire not to be confrontational stops - there is no end in sight.